Our Family Pictures, Part 1, 2002

Just a few hours old on February 22, 2002 (both our birthdays!)

Ryan was 1 day old!

He was never happy before, during, or after a bath in those early weeks!

Grandma come to visit!

His first smiles really lit up a room!

Chris having a ball on one of our first outings after RJ came along! He loves his baby brother!

4 months old, a fun age!

A summer day at Grandma's.

A picnic at the park with a friend and the whole family, in July.

That same picnic -- love those grillings!

Visiting Grandma's house and this is MY grandma, 91 years old, Grandma Betty!

RJ just learned to flip over and sleep on tummy!

Day we went swimming at a friends on a warm day in September!
Family Pictures, Part 2, 2002
2002 Christmas letter
Main Christmas page